Book of Mormon Evidence

Q. How do Mormons (who are very intelligent, well educated as a group) reconcile themselves to the fact that there are no historical evidences of the peoples in the Book of Mormon? -Sherry Sherry, thank you for considering us intelligent! Your comments are welcome here any time! Modern prophets have always encouraged us to “get … Continue reading Book of Mormon Evidence

Tithing and Unpaid Clergy

Q. Do [Latter-day Saints] give part of their earnings to the Church? Yes. One of the main principles of Christ-like living is sacrifice. We give of ourselves to help lift others and for the ultimate betterment of self. Former President and Prophet Ezra Taft Benson taught, “Sacrifice is truly the crowning test of the gospel. … Continue reading Tithing and Unpaid Clergy

What Can’t Mormons Do? Part 2: The Law of Chastity

The second commandment or standard that I want to discuss is the law of chastity. Aside from the Word of Wisdom (a few posts down), I think this is the commandment that people outside of the church have asked me about most often. The law of chastity is pretty simple: you don’t have any sexual … Continue reading What Can’t Mormons Do? Part 2: The Law of Chastity