The Original Sin

This post comes from the following question: “What do mormans [sic] believe about original sin?”

This question is most simply answered by a statement Joseph Smith gave about our beliefs: “We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam’s transgression.” (AoF 1:2)

We also believe that “every spirit of man was innocent in the beginning” (D&C 93:38). Additionally, men are “free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil” (2 Ne 2:27). In short, this means that we are not inherently evil because of an “original sin”. Rather, we are created innocent with the freedom to choose good or evil and are accountable for only the choices we make and not for the choices Adam made.

That being said, the fall of Adam did introduce the possibilities of sin and death to his posterity (i.e. us). Thus, while not being directly accountable to God for a decision we never made, Adam’s transgression does nonetheless affect us (Alma 42:5–9, 14).

For more information, see the following:

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I love life. Life, for me, consists of my family, my religion, my hobbies, eating, sleeping etc. I live in Missouri where I am studying medicine. I joined the Army shortly after getting accepted into medical school. I have a super cute wife, a terribly adorable daughter and a stupendous son. I love running, hiking, biking, reading, writing poetry, taking pictures, eating, Photoshop, vacations, video editing, healthy food, s'mores, fires, eating, guitar, rock climbing, surfing the net, listening to music, watching movies, making fun of popular TV shows, going to school, eating, going to church, playing with my kids and going on long romantic walks with my wife. My wife, Emily, and I do everything together that we can. We love making memories in digital scrapbooks and movies.