
(As you can see, Freddy Rodriguez consistently strengthened his right arm, but not his left arm.)
As you can see, Freddy Rodriguez consistently exercised his right arm, but not his left.

It has been difficult for me to come up with a topic to write on this month.  There has been a lot of change in my and my family’s life in the last month.  Change always brings adjustment for me—adjustment to a new schedule, new places, new activities.  Interestingly, it is during these times that it is hardest for me to be consistent in those things that provide a solid foundation in my life, namely scripture study and prayer.   However, it is consistently doing the right things in life that brings the richest of experiences and the greatest of blessings.  By and large, one cannot experience the complete blessings of a commandment or good activity until it is done consistently.

When one is consistent at exercising for an extended period of time, exercise becomes an integral part of that person’s life.  Sure, one may miss a day here or there, but consistent exercise over time brings benefits that can only be known and felt by that person.  In the same manner, consistently adhering to God’s commandments, whether it is studying the scriptures daily, or being meek and lowly of heart continually, will bring blessings, peace, and joy that only that person can know.

If you don’t know what I am talking about, or have yet to experience the sweet fruit of consistency, pick a commandment that you could polish a little, or a good activity, like exercise, and live it daily.  Do it consistently for a week, then a month, then 3 months, then a year.  You will look back on that time and realize that you have truly changed, because something good; something God-like has become an integral part of you.  In some small way you will have fulfilled Christ’s commandment to “be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect” (Matthew 6:48).